Saturday, February 16, 2008

Meeting the Administracrats

Administracrats is one of the many terms coined by Uncle J and I couldn't think of a more appropriate title for this post. Uncle J uses the term to describe those people we love to hate - the higher ups responsible for running the cricket show.

Last night two of us bloggers at wellpitched, O2 and myself, met one of these administracrats at a dinner in Dubai. It was none other than Dr. Nasim Ashraf, Chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board. He was in town in a different capacity as Chairman of the Pakistan National Commission for Human Development, however the dinner where we met him was hosted by Sheikh Mubarak Al Nahyan, Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Cricket Council, which made me think that there may have been another angle to his trip to the desert.
Australia is probably not touring Pakistan and it is no secret that the PCB are looking for alternative options in case the tour gets called off officially. Could an ODI series in Abu Dhabi be a possibility? A 3 ODI series between Pakistan and India? Or maybe a triangular between India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka?

April is the month during which Abu Dhabi has hosted its tournaments since it got its international stadium - Pakistan vs India in 2006 and Pakistan vs Sri Lanka in 2007. This year their plans were put into disarray because of the IPL. Australia not touring Pakistan gives Pakistan a free month before the IPL kicks off and they are desperate for some action. As are the cricket starved public of Abu Dhabi.

When I asked Dr. Ashraf if he was here to discuss a possible series in Abu Dhabi since Australia isn't coming, he just smiled and said "Australia haven't called it off yet". I couldn't get more out of him but I doubt that the PCB Chairman met the ADCC Chairman to discuss only human development.

Despite not being a big fan of the administracrats, it was exciting meeting the PCB Boss (little does he know that he currently has my dream job), and it was even more exciting meeting my childhood fantasy, Nadia Khan! I am definitely a fan of hers. I also got the chance to thank Sheikh Mubarak for all the cricket facilities he has provided us with in Abu Dhabi and told him how I thought he was doing a great job running the game here. He's one Administracrat I like.

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5 Pitched:

  1. David Barry said...

    he just smiled and said "Australia haven't called it off yet". I couldn't get more out of him
    Haha! Good to see you tried to give us a scoop though Q.

  2. Q said...

    Hahaha..I had the journalist inside me working fulltime David :-)

  3. Obaid said...

    Nice post Q, it gives our blog the paparazzi touch. We will soon have pics of you next to all sorts of cricketing personalities :)

    Good post and nice try to get something out of him!

  4. NAzhar said...

    Paparazzi Q...great work!

  5. Q said...

    If the Abu Dhabi series does happen in April, I promise pics with some cricketers ;-) and more adminstracrats!

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