Friday, September 12, 2008

One More to the JRod!

His petition landed David Hussey a position in Australia's ODI team.

This morning his favourite Victorian, Bryce McGain, was announced in Australia's 15 man squad for India.

Uncle J Rod of Cricket with Balls has been going on about Bryce McGain for a year now, which is as long as Cricket with Balls has been up on air.

And finally a year later Cricket Australia selectors have bowed down to his demands.

I'm sure Uncle J is over the moon over McGain's selection and we at Well Pitched are happy for him and for McGain and also at the prospect of seeing yet another leg spinner from Victoria.

If McGain is even half as exciting as the last Victorian leg spinner to play test cricket, it'll make the Australia v India test series even more interesting than it already is.

Its a shame that Symonds isn't going as it would have been quite a watch to see the Indian public take a dig at him.

Nonethless it should be one entertaining test series. Can't wait for some cricket to start.

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5 Pitched:

  1. Anonymous said...

    cant wait for the ashes summer 2009 cant come quick enough!

  2. Jrod said...

    This doesn't seem like an unbiased report to me.

  3. Q said...

    Where's the bias Jrod?

  4. Jrod said...

    Your biased in your love for me Q.

    Does your girlfriend know?

  5. Q said...

    One of them does Jrod and she's cool with it.

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