The ICC Recognizes us!
Some time back, the ICC celebrated their 100 years of existence and announced a hall of fame list, which we reported about on Well Pitched.
The ICC set up a new website as a part of their centenary celebrations and it was named "Catch the Spirit".
Yeah well, the website has a blogs section, which, like all blogs has a blogroll.
And, Well Pitched is on that blog roll.
That's satisfying.
I'd like to know who in the ICC was responsible for getting us on that roll. I would like to thank them.
Thak you Jrod, for pointing it out to me.
Som, Homer - you guys are on it too.
The ICC set up a new website as a part of their centenary celebrations and it was named "Catch the Spirit".
Yeah well, the website has a blogs section, which, like all blogs has a blogroll.
And, Well Pitched is on that blog roll.
That's satisfying.
I'd like to know who in the ICC was responsible for getting us on that roll. I would like to thank them.
Thak you Jrod, for pointing it out to me.
Som, Homer - you guys are on it too.
This kind of success provides that wellpitched is a popular blog about cricket. I am really happy to know that they have taken place in the blog roll of new website set up by ICC named “Catch the spirit”. I hope that they will continue their blogging and take it as higher as possible.
BCC! recognised you long before
I know.. I am still in shock!
Cheers :),
Sorry about that Q. You could always protest you know. ;)
On a serious note, congratulations, though I'm not too surprised since Well Pitched is among my favorite cricket blogs, and I'm sure most people feel that way. Good Stuff!
Oh and ICC if you're reading this, the answer is NO, as Groucho Marx said "I refuse to be a member of any club that accepts me as a member!"
Kamrul Hasan - Thank you for your kind comments. Welcome to Well Pitched.
Fellow bored member - ofcourse they did :-)
Thanks Achettup... yours is one of my faves!
Cheers Homer!
Congratulations, its quite a recognition of the good work you are doing, I thought you and others were aware of the blogroll.
Good show guys... cheers!