Wednesday, May 13, 2009

20-20 Cricket Reaches the Gorillas

I know a large number of cricket fans who had long lost interest in the sport till 20-20 cricket came around.

I've also heard about how 20-20 cricket has created a whole new fan base for the sport. It has managed to create a market segment that is purely a fan base of the shortest version of the sport.

USA, China, some Arab countries, and a few of the European nations are examples of regions where people have been attracted towards 20-20 cricket in a big way, as far as viewing is concerned.

You must have heard or seen the same.

But you would not have heard of the latest region that has taken up 20-20 cricket in a big way.

They not only watch it with interest, but they lock themselves up in cages and play the sport as well!

It is the region of the Gorillas!

Considering the ICC World Twenty20 is right round the corner, the Gorillas could not have come up with this at a better time.

You remember how you used to bully your younger brother or neighbor and make him bowl while you batted in your alley or parking lot? And when you used to get out, you always asked for another turn and continued to bat, or just packed up and left?

Well, the Gorillas learn from us humans after all and do the same in their cage!

Watch it for yourself.

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  1. Rohit said...

    Hey all, I am a total cricket fan like all of you. I have started a group "Give us back our game "
    because I feel that somehow us fans are being sidelined in all the major decision taken. I want to generate awareness that like other sports like football where fans dictate what should happen when, the same should be the case with cricket as well. And who better to do that than a fan club dedicated for the same. Don;t treat this as any other group out there. treat this as a cause.. to save cricket

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