Well Pitched on Cricinfo!
Yes its true!
Well Pitched was mentioned on Cricinfo's surfer section today and I feel like this is one of our proudest moments.
I thought Reuters linking to us, a radio channel mentioning us, Prem Panicker referring to us, not once but several times, ICC blogrolling us, Cricket Blips ranking us at the top, and Linq giving us some awards were big achievements for Well Pitched.
With all due respect to the above, this mention on Cricinfo is definitely the biggest tick on the Well Pitched CV.
Cricinfo is like the bible for cricket fans across the world and I have followed the site since its inception.
To see your name or your blog's name in print on that website sure feels good.
None of this is ofcourse possible without you readers who keep us going.
Thank you all visitors, readers, commenters, recommenders, et all!
And thanks to Osman Samiuddin, the Pakistan editor of Cricinfo, for linking us over at Surfer.
Well Pitched was mentioned on Cricinfo's surfer section today and I feel like this is one of our proudest moments.
I thought Reuters linking to us, a radio channel mentioning us, Prem Panicker referring to us, not once but several times, ICC blogrolling us, Cricket Blips ranking us at the top, and Linq giving us some awards were big achievements for Well Pitched.
With all due respect to the above, this mention on Cricinfo is definitely the biggest tick on the Well Pitched CV.
Cricinfo is like the bible for cricket fans across the world and I have followed the site since its inception.
To see your name or your blog's name in print on that website sure feels good.
None of this is ofcourse possible without you readers who keep us going.
Thank you all visitors, readers, commenters, recommenders, et all!
And thanks to Osman Samiuddin, the Pakistan editor of Cricinfo, for linking us over at Surfer.
congratulations!!!! u really deserve it!!!
Good show Q... Congratulations!
Well done Q - Congratulations. This is just the beginning of a lot of great things for wellpitched.com
Vadhaiyaa Q bhai.
@Q: Great going! Cricinfo is the center of cricket fan's universe. To be linked by them is definitely a great feeling.
I've been following Cricinfo from the Gopher days (not sure if you even know what Gopher is - it was before your time!). Commentary used to be on IRC channel #cricket, and random people who had TV access would provide updates.
Back in 1996/7, I helped them out while I was in college. I set up their Pakistan page, which PCB/Majid Khan liked so much that they made it their official page. Of course, that was my queue to leave! ;) Actually, I was graduating and CI was really moving into the big leagues, and that was beyond my capabilities.
Great going and hearty congratulations all the contributors at Well Pitched. A very big congrats to you Q - without fail you always have a contribution every day :)
I would love to have my blog - but I'm just a lazy a**e :) :)
Congratulations to all at Well Pitched! Well Deserved, I say :)
Congrats General Q on the cricinfo coup!
Thank you everyone!
It is really you all who keep me going :-)
With the kind of thoughts u have on cricket, I don't see why u don't have a blog!
Being lazy is not an excuse. As it is ur commenting always around the blogosphere, u might as well be writing a blog post :-)
Your Excellency NC, the coup is complete!
Why did I not know about this CI connection of yours? How could you let it go?
Are u saying u set up this site:
I remember when the Pakistan Cricinfo page used to look like that.
I've been following CI from the start I believe.. though I never did follow ball-by-ball on IRC ever.. didn't even know that happened!
Good stuff! and about time too.
Fantastic Q! Congratulations, truly is the pinnacle of recognition on the net. I predict a mention in the Wisden Cricketer in the not too distant future.
@Q: CI existed well before the CI website came into being. The formal website was created slightly before the 1996 WC, iirc.
Before that, CI was a gopher-based site run by a few students across the US, UK, and Australia (India was not really connected online at that point).
I remember the CI team sending out an email to readers asking for donations for new hard drives. I think I sent $10! :)
Commentary was on IRC in those days. And even continued after the website came up. At some point in 96/97, CI started using "dougie" - the original name for the ball-by-ball scoring and commentary tool and all commentary was done exclusively on the website.
I used to informally contribute stuff from 1995, and then one of the founders (Simon King) asked me to become the Pakistan Coordinator and create a Pak homepage on CI (pak.cricinfo.com I think). I even had a myfirstname@cricket.org email address, and used to receive emails from people like Travis Basevi (creator of Statguru), Badri Sheshadri, etc.
I spent a year creating and maintaining it. Basic HTML, with frames though!!! A few images here and there. Updated manually on a daily basis with the latest news and scorecards.
Around late 97, PCB was interested in taking a look. I remember the night before - I polished up the site to make it look perfect (even put a photo of Majid Khan for good measure!) on there.
While I was busy sleeping in the US, PCB/Majid Khan spent the morning looking at the site in Pakistan. They liked it so much that it became pcb.cricinfo.com.
Right about that time, I was graduating from college (yes, I'm old!) and CI needed professional support (mine was all volunteer) and also wanted to set up a server in Pakistan, etc. So they entered into a contract with an ISP in Pakistan. So it was the natural time for me to leave as well. I still remained in touch for a short time thereafter, and was even planning to do some interviews at Sahara Cup for them since I had amazing access to the players and management. But I was a bit too lazy!
PCB has since left CI, as have all the cricket boards that were once hosted by it.
Still, the experience remains on my resume, and is the thing I talk about the most enthusiastically (if asked) during an interview! :)
Nice work Q,
Those humorous titbits at the end of the news bulletin are always the most interesting.
Thanks Miriam!
Thanks Ach!
Jrod pushed and pushed my case with TWC to include me as "blog of the month" the month after CWB was chosen, last year, but TWC did not.. so I don't know abt that but i hope ur prediction comes true!
Thanks LB, and thats what we were - the humorous tidbit ;-)
Damn Sledge, that is awesome!! U were quite involved.. could have built a career out of it.. not to worry, u got Well Pitched as your platform now!
and trust the PCB to takeover overnight while you're asleep.. they generally do the same when they're dropping a captain or replacing a senior player.. announce it while they are asleep!
Congrats, Q and everyone on Well Pitched! You guys deserve it!
Thanks Krish!
Great show Q.
Very well deserved recognition for sure. It has always been a pleasure to read your views.
great going Q!!! take a bow man... :)
Cheers late inswinger!
SP - Q takes a bow! :-)