Sunday, August 16, 2009

Who is Charles Coventry?

Charles Coventry sounds like someone from the British Royal family; he is not though!

He is the man who has just broken Saeed Anwar's record of the highest score in a One-Day International.

Yes, that 194 that Saeed Anwar scored against India is no longer the highest ODI score.

194 Not Out is and it belongs to Charles Coventry!

Just yesterday I was at a friend's place in San Francisco browsing through some old cricket videos from his collection.

One of the videos was of Saeed Anwar's 194; we watched the innings again.

While watching it, I thought that that was one record that will probably never be broken.

This was just yesterday!

Since Saeed Anwar notched up that record, Sanath Jayasuriya, Saurav Ganguly, Sachin Tendulkar, Matthew Hayden, and MS Dhoni have gotten close to breaking it, but none have been successful.

It was as if there was some external force keeping the 194 record safely in Saeed Anwar's pocket.

But it wasn't to be.

Today, a relatively unknown Zimbwean, Charles Coventry, smashed the Bangladeshi bowling to all parts of the ground to notch up an unbeaten 194!

The fact that it was an unbeaten innings, it sits above Saeed Anwar's 194.

Coventry could have broken the record, however.

He was on 192 when facing the last ball of the innings.

It was a full toss, which he could have deposited to any part of the ground.

But he hit it straight past the bowler for only 2 runs to equal the 194.

The external force at work again?

Make your pitch on this post...

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32 Pitched:

  1. Dave said...

    If Cricinfo's pictures are anything to go by, he's actually Daniel Vettori.

  2. Som said...

    Q, 625 runs in a single match!

  3. Gaurav Sethi said...

    Wada funny game, Shakib had the last laugh

  4. Anonymous said...

    Some respite for crisis hit Zimbabwe. but then how long will it last ?

  5. Unknown said...

    At least Zimbabwe got something to smile about. BTW, is it just me or is $500 wayyyyy too miserly a prize for Man of the Match? I mean, my baby cousin gets more Eidi than that & blows it off at the toy store!

    I remember being shocked once that Shahid Afridi got only $1,500 for his efforts--this makes that seem respectable.

    And lol @ Dave, so true

  6. Thiru Cumaran said...

    Ah, didn't realise till now that 194* is higher than 194! Pity Saeed Anwar, 3 thumbs up for Coventry!

  7. adverbin said...

    Unfortunately, Iqbal's 154 trumped this effort.
    I hope Iqbal can carry forward this form against the better teams.

  8. Thiru Cumaran said...


    Tamim is a great batsman...I just get the feeling that he'd perform like this if he got enough support at the other end! Very talented, indeed, and does have big match temperament!

  9. Rayden said...

    194 not out and Zimbabwe still lost the match !!!!

  10. Leg Break said...

    It can't be too long before Sehwag breaks that record.

  11. SM said...

    Hi Q , I was just wondering .. is the record equalled or broken ?


  12. Thiru Cumaran said...


    Since he was not out, the innings counts as higher in the ranking...therefore, Coventry is the record holder now!

  13. Q said...


    It was him in disguise.. he just flew to Sri Lanka for the 1st test.. he'll score a century again as Daniel Vettori..

  14. Q said...


    That's quite a bit!! Must have been one awesome chase to watch.. Didn't see Tamim but many said he looked like Lara creaming the ball..

  15. Q said...


    Who else?

  16. Q said...


    Atleast against the likes of Bangladesh, they should be able to compete more often..

  17. Q said...


    $500 is quite low for a MoTM but I think these awards depend on the sponsors and also the location of a cricket series.. I think it varies from country to country.. and from series to series..

  18. Q said...

    Cricket Tragic,

    Yeah a not out innings will always rank higher than a completed innings of the same score..

  19. Q said...


    He's a classy batsman when he's in form.. I've seen a few of his innings and he looks really good but I think he faces the same problem as most aggressive batsmen these days (barring a few).. that of not being consistent enough.. I think he'll remain like that mostly..

  20. Q said...

    Cricket Tragic,

    I don't see how support from the other end can get Tamim to perform more consistently.. he is usually the first one to go..

    You have players like Shakib who score in almost every match.. Tamim Iqbal's issue is of temperament I think.. he's too aggressive for his own good.. which is why you see these magical innings few and far in between..

  21. Q said...


    How sad is that right? .. That doesn't happen much.. but Tamim Iqbal took the fire away from Coventry.. I didn't watch his innings but I'm dieing too.. Tamim's that is..

  22. Q said...


    How many times did we hear the same thing about Adam Gilchrist?

  23. Q said...


    As CT says the record for the highest score remains shared by Coventry and Saeed Anwar.. but if you list the scores, Coventry will always come higher as he remained not out..

  24. Thiru Cumaran said...


    Perhaps Tamim might not feel the need to go on the offensive like a crazed monkey if he had good support from the other end...the innings showed that he does have patience! :)

  25. raj said...

    If a not out innings is better than an out innings of the same score, then someone must tell Mark Taylor that he was stupid declaring on 334* just to make sure he doesnt pass Bradman :-)

  26. Q said...


    Taylor's 334* ranks higher than Bradman's 334:

  27. Q said...

    Cricket Tragic,

    Does it really? I think Tamim's was an aggressive innings and not a patient one..

  28. Thiru Cumaran said...

    What I meant is that he showed that he could use his brain when playing his shots!

  29. Vikas Yadav said...

    Charles Coventry should be appreciated for breaking that old record and ICC should reward him so that we can see some Sachin Tendulkar like cricketer from Affiliate and Associate countries.

  30. Q said...

    Cricket Tragic,

    I didn't watch the innings so u r probably right.. though I feel it was one of those flash in the pan innings from him rather than a change to consistency..

  31. Q said...


    Welcome to the blog. He is being appreciated, isnt he?

    How can the ICC award him?

  32. Anonymous said...

    Well Now sachin Tendulker has record of 200 n.o., Top scorer in ODI

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