Fake IPL Player on Shah Rukh Khan Payroll?
Thanks to Raj, we might be on to the biggest scoop ever regarding the Fake IPL Player.
After Fake's shady disclosure, we had this post up, which resulted in quite a discussion.
During that discussion, Raj mentioned Son of Bosey and how he had been hired by Shah Rukh Khan last year to do some stuff for the Kolkata Knight Riders official website.
I had not heard about Bosey before tonight, till Raj pointed me to it. They are an Indian humour site, and are apparently doing some work on Cricinfo's Page 2 as well.
Coming back to Bosey, SRK, and KKR.
According to this post, dated 18th April 2008 (the day last year's IPL began), Bosey was hired by SRK to create spoof magazine covers, ads, and newspaper articles for the KKR wesbite.
When you click on the links provided by Bosey for these spoof creations, you will notice the URL of the KKR website, but you will also notice, "Page Not Found".
Well that is because these spoof mag covers, ads, and articles were not well received by other IPL franchises, cricketers, and officials.
This unapproval of the Bosey spoofs is witnessed in the exchange of comments between Anand and Raj, in the post that I have linked to above.
Hence, these spoofs were discontinued and the whole idea died down. Even the ones created were taken off the KKR website.
Based on this, Raj concluded that it was possible that since an official idea to make fun of cricketers in the IPL did not take off last year, SRK tried to do it again this year, albeit unofficially.
Unofficially through the damn Fake IPL Player!
Now it maybe far fetched for Raj to think on those lines, but to me it makes a lot of sense. Connect the dots and you can see the potential link of the Fake to SRK.
And we're not the only ones who have suggested this link. Many other bloggers have also hinted that it could very well be a journalist on the SRK payroll.
Maybe the shady disclosure, in which the Fake IPL Player signs off with a title of an SRK movie, is a subtle hint that he is in fact on the payroll of SRK.
Doesn't sound far fetched to me at all.
That is one scoop; we at Well Pitched have another.
Bosey's spoof ads, mag covers, and articles are no where to be found on the KKR website.
However, as soon as I read Bosey's post about what he was doing for SRK, I remembered that last year I had downloaded some stuff from the KKR website.
So I dug deep into my archives and old external hard drives and was pleasantly surprised at my memory.
I had in fact downloaded all this stuff last year. Here it is, take a look for yourself as to why all this was discontinued.

And there's more where these came from.
So then. What do you think?
Is the Fake IPL Player a Shah Rukh Khan employee?
A journalist actually travelling with the Kolkata Knight Riders?
After taking a look at what SRK attempted last year and the fact that it was discontinued, I believe that the Fake is most probably that - one on the SRK payroll.
After Fake's shady disclosure, we had this post up, which resulted in quite a discussion.
During that discussion, Raj mentioned Son of Bosey and how he had been hired by Shah Rukh Khan last year to do some stuff for the Kolkata Knight Riders official website.
I had not heard about Bosey before tonight, till Raj pointed me to it. They are an Indian humour site, and are apparently doing some work on Cricinfo's Page 2 as well.
Coming back to Bosey, SRK, and KKR.
According to this post, dated 18th April 2008 (the day last year's IPL began), Bosey was hired by SRK to create spoof magazine covers, ads, and newspaper articles for the KKR wesbite.
When you click on the links provided by Bosey for these spoof creations, you will notice the URL of the KKR website, but you will also notice, "Page Not Found".
Well that is because these spoof mag covers, ads, and articles were not well received by other IPL franchises, cricketers, and officials.
This unapproval of the Bosey spoofs is witnessed in the exchange of comments between Anand and Raj, in the post that I have linked to above.
Hence, these spoofs were discontinued and the whole idea died down. Even the ones created were taken off the KKR website.
Based on this, Raj concluded that it was possible that since an official idea to make fun of cricketers in the IPL did not take off last year, SRK tried to do it again this year, albeit unofficially.
Unofficially through the damn Fake IPL Player!
Now it maybe far fetched for Raj to think on those lines, but to me it makes a lot of sense. Connect the dots and you can see the potential link of the Fake to SRK.
And we're not the only ones who have suggested this link. Many other bloggers have also hinted that it could very well be a journalist on the SRK payroll.
Maybe the shady disclosure, in which the Fake IPL Player signs off with a title of an SRK movie, is a subtle hint that he is in fact on the payroll of SRK.
Doesn't sound far fetched to me at all.
That is one scoop; we at Well Pitched have another.
Bosey's spoof ads, mag covers, and articles are no where to be found on the KKR website.
However, as soon as I read Bosey's post about what he was doing for SRK, I remembered that last year I had downloaded some stuff from the KKR website.
So I dug deep into my archives and old external hard drives and was pleasantly surprised at my memory.
I had in fact downloaded all this stuff last year. Here it is, take a look for yourself as to why all this was discontinued.
The Spoof Magazine Covers and Newspaper Articles:

And there's more where these came from.
So then. What do you think?
Is the Fake IPL Player a Shah Rukh Khan employee?
A journalist actually travelling with the Kolkata Knight Riders?
After taking a look at what SRK attempted last year and the fact that it was discontinued, I believe that the Fake is most probably that - one on the SRK payroll.
Might be true. But isnt SRK ruffling a few feathers by calling cricketers names like ch*tiya, etc?? How big is a risk is that? Especially for a superstar like him. My doubt is will SRK risk the reputation and image he has built up all these years by resorting to libel? The FIP blog might also be construed as libelous and misleading.....
Not really. I find it hard to believe that someone would do such a thing just to create publicity for and hype their team. I believe FIP is a journalist with inside info and that's about it. I think we need to stop banging our heads against the wall trying to figure out who he is.
In my opinion the CSK will be the winner.
Q, hope nobody sues me :-). I only comment on blogspaces and dont maintain a blog because I am a very good conspiracy theorist, and sometimes, I fear that I may take things too far, and get sued or something. Now, you have highlighted my name in a blog post, connecting me to a conspiracy theory :-).
Anyway, to answer Karthik, why SRK would call some cricketer chu*ya because that would hurt is reputation, the thing is isnt that why he is not doing it in his official KKR site? Our very theory is based on that premise, Karthik, that having realised that it wasnt possible to do it officially, he MAY have(hope this can protect us against suits!) resorted to anonymous attacks!
SRK merely wants to play it a bit safe for the time being , because there are sponsor relationships at play here. Most of the spoofs are back up - minus the 'offending' ones - which I'll publish on bosey.
Extract from that comment space, Q. Readers should now read between the lines
Good stuff Q, like the way you inked and linked it all up - the sequence.
Sure, SRK could be behind it. But why? Guess just for cheap thrills.
Btw Q, u working with the Yard? Or just playing in the backyard
Interesting how some people can connect a few dots and think they've ended up with a photograph.
Son of Bosey has nothing to do with FIP, and anyone who really 'gets' the Bosey approach to humour will be able to see that instantly, the FIPs way of doing things is rather more base if you know what I mean.
Oh and I happen to know Mr."Bosey" rather well, and can confirm that he isn't FIP and has nothing to do with it.
Koidy, not again. What is it with people - even after Q clearly outlined the theory, and clearly mentioned that we dont think that Bosey is behind IPL rather Bosey is a clue that Shahrkuh can employ someone to indulge in such things, people dont get it. Atleast with Sam, I didnt spell out things so clearly, and left things for interpretation, so if he didnt understand my import clearly, that was understandable. But now that Q has spelt everything out CLEARLY, what is the problem, people?
Fair enough, but I'm not sure I agree that the import is pointed out as clearly as you seem to think. I now realize that you aren't pointing the finger at Bosey, but unfortunately that isn't clear. And everyone around me who read the posts got the same impression as me.
Unfortunately, extracts like
" SRK merely wants to play it a bit safe for the time being , because there are sponsor relationships at play here. Most of the spoofs are back up - minus the 'offending' ones - which I'll publish on bosey."
followed by comments like
Extract from that comment space, Q. Readers should now read between the lines
seem to give the same impression, that's all.
In any event, it's good of you and Q to clarify your position, I'm sure it's much appreciated. More clarity never hurt anyone.
koidy, am a long time follower of Bosey, and obviously, I wouldnt be wanting to insinuate Bosey in this FIP mess. I thought Q's post made it clear that the theory was abotu SRK employing some one else this year for his FIP project, not bosey. Nevertheless, clarity doesnt hurt so I am glad that this is clear now.
koidy, am a long time follower of Bosey, and obviously, I wouldnt be wanting to insinuate Bosey in this FIP mess. I thought Q's post made it clear that the theory was abotu SRK employing some one else this year for his FIP project, not bosey. Nevertheless, clarity doesnt hurt so I am glad that this is clear now.
Holy Cow Batman - I think you are on to something.
Only thing the blog was too insulting to Dildo - thats the only thing that makes me think otherwise else I thought the same.
Karthik: I agree that it be construed as misleading, but the fact that its done in anonimity, no one can point their finger at SRK.. we can only presume and deduce, which we are doing.. so even if SRK is calling crktrs names, there's no way he can be implicated.. or can he?
sJ: U might be right.. but the fact that the journo with inside info has remained anonymous, people will continue to think abt how and why.
Olympic Reporting: DC all the way!
Raj: no one can sue someone for merely creating conspiracy theories - thinking out aloud doesn't get one into trouble.. does it? ;-)
As long as u dont implicate anyone and are just trying to for pieces of the puzzle together.. ur away from the legal forces..
NC: just playing in the backyard ;-)
SRK.. I think I told u why I think so.
Koidy: I have no implicated Bosey at all.. I have just said that the fact that SRK hired Bosey last year, it was possible that he may have hired someone else this year.
No where have I mentioned that Bosey is behind the FIP.. I dont think that is the case either.
Raj: thanks for clarifying the stance with Koidy.
Rayden: could be that Vinnie Dildo ws to throw people of the notion that SRK cud have anything to do with it..
FIP's shady speech sure did not show that he thinks of SRK as that.. all that he says "yehi hai entertainment ka baap", "asli entertainment", "kabhi alvida na kehna" goes to show that hes a major SRK fan...
Maybe also a subtle hint at SRK being behind it.
KArthik, sJ, Olympic Reporting, Koidy: thanks for stopping by at Well Pitched.
Hey Q - good point. SRK sucks.
Interesting theory but in all probability not true.
First of all the blog paints a very poor picture of the Knight Riders. They come off as a rudderless divided
team of losers. The franchise is Khan's baby, he's got a lot riding on it and the man may have a sense of humour but the blog pretty much eviscerates them especially the earlier posts. He'd be daft to have some fun at his team's expense.
Anon: I agree that SRK has a lot riding on his team, but wats rong with a little free publicity?
But here's a question for everyone:
How is it that the FIP has NOT been caught? In these times is it really that hard to trace someone on the net, or a so called insider among all the journos in SA?
I don't believe it is.
If Modi, SRK or any other official really wanted the FIP caught, they would have done so by now.
Which is why I say that they r all in it together.
The Modis, The SRKs and other stakeholders don't need to stoop so low to get publicity, am sure they are more creative than that!
The involvement ofofficials is ruled out as they have already made their buck. About SRK, the first thing that rules it out is his name in the blog!
My conspiracy theory??? I am trying to be a little more creative here... there are three teams I know (from very reliable sources) that want to sell a stake, possibly to PE firms (KKR is one of them). It could well be one of the other two! Why would they do it? I think Q is better qualified to answer that ;)
Your Sportingly: Welcome to Well Pitched.
Your theory is quite interesting.. I do know that KKR and DC are looking to sell stakes.. i'm intrigued abt the 3rd one.
And if it is to PE firms, like you say then having worked in PE before I understand why the other 2 sellers would be working towards decreasing the value of SRK. However, that makes sense if all 3 have approached the same PE firm.
And if they have and the info is known to all 3 then someone has not been doing their job ethically.
Moreso, the FIP really hasn't devalued KKR.. they still ended up with the highest brand value as per the report of a consulting firm.
The reason I say Modi or SRK are in the know how of who FIP is, is because I find it difficult to believe that it was not possible to catch this person.. in these times, ppl over the internet are easily traceable.. if they really wanted to, they wud have.